A Cat Lover

        I am a cat lover. I have started to take care of cat since I was in kindergarten. I often saw that cat in my house. I never know where that cat came from. So my family takes care of her and finally she became my pet. We called her pussy.  She was a cute cat with three different colors on her fur. She had yellow wide eyes with long whiskers. She grown up and became an adult. She had a lover and finally they had children. The kittens were cute and have a small body, round face and pink nose with eyes which still closed. They really look like their mom; they had spots with three different colors: white, black and yellow.
After years, pussy became old and finally she died. When she died, I really sad. My father buried her in our yard. She was my first cat that I take care and I would never forget her. After pussy died, I took care on of pussy’s child. She was really looks like her mom. The difference was she had a dominant color of black in her fur. She had children and died. And her child was taking cared by me. And the same thing was happened and happened again until the fifth generation of Pussy. I always do a same thing to my cat: I always called them pussy. Until the fifth cat, I also call her pussy. Maybe because I did not have another name that suitable to them.
Now, the fifth generation of my cat, Pussy is living with my family in Balikpapan. Because I must continue my study in Samarinda, so I left her and my family helps me to take care of her. Because I didn’t want to see Pussy feels lonely, I got an idea to look for another cat so Pussy would have friend. Someone on facebook said that she was looking for someone to adopt her cat. So I told her that I want to adopt that cat. So here she is, a Persian Himalayan is living with Pussy. Her real name was Morganisa, her previous owner gave that name to her. She had long and dense hair. Her fur is white with brown point on her ears, legs, tail and nose. Her feet are short and she is fat.
Actually I want to give her another nickname. My friends helped me to give names that they think it suitable for her. They suggested some anti mainstream name such as: painem, ijah, and another name that I think it was weird if a cat had a name like that. My other friend searched on Google to find a cute name for my cat such as: kitty, princess, and lily. And it wasted our time until we got a suitable nickname for her: Sunday. We call her Sunday because she was born on Sunday, June 16 2013. Another reason why we gave that name is because she reminds me to Sundae, Ice Cream which we can find on some fast food restaurants such as KFC and McD. That ice cream had the same color with Sunday, White and there’s a chocolate on top. Although her real name is Morganisa, we agree to call her Sunday.
Right now, Pussy and Sunday are living in Balikpapan with my parents. Although I usually saw them fight each other, but they look cute if they’re sleeping together.

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