Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

Postingan ke-2 di tahun 2018

Wawwwwwwwwwwwww!! Aku mulai produktif :')
Well, di postinganku yang ini, saya mau mengucapkan terimakasih kepada semua teman teman yang masih belum amnesia. Semoga kalian selalu diberikan kesehatan ya teman teman.
Sesungguhnya ini adalah postingan yang tidak berfaedah (kalau mau yg agak berfaedah, coba liat postingan Am I an Adult). Saya buat postingan ini cuma biar keliatan aktif nulis di blog aja.
Emang beberapa tahu belakangan ini, saya selalu nulis postingan di blog ini tiap ulang tahun. Kok semakin tua malah makin gak excited kalau lagi ulang tahun ya? Hehehehe.

But still, I had a great time. Sudah jadi tradisi buan Prank (Teman teman di Samarinda, sudah dianggap sodara)  kalau ada yang ulang tahun, pasti bakal ada surprise ala ala gitu bawa kue ulang tahun. Karena tradisi ini sudah dijalankan bertahun tahun, jadinya kok malah rada gak kaget lagi. But still, I feel touched! Terimakasih sekali lagi buat temen temen semua (yang di Balikpapan, yang di samarinda, yang dari planet Mars ) yang sudah ngucapin dan memberikan doa doa baik yang… saya harap juga akan terjadi ke kalian. Hmm.. entah sudah berapa ‘yang’ yang saya ucapkan.

Saya sangat mengapresiasi karya karya dan editan editan kalian dengan stiker dan caption unyu di insta story. Saya apresiasi kalian yang ngira saya umurnya 25, saya jadi sadar diri… wajah ini emang rada boros, butuh perawatan sepertinya :p  I know kalian ngucpainnya karena inget,  bukan karena  dapet notification dari facebook dan line. Daya ingat kalian sangat luar biasa.  Wow. Sehr Gut!
Untuk mengapresiasi hasil karya para kerabat, saya lampirkan beberapa karya hebat mereka. Selamat menikmati.

ntap kan

24 WOYY!

maaf yang ini kalimatnya disensor karena sangat tidak berperikemanusiaan :(

Ahh dan sebagian buan Prank semalem pada VC bareng dikarenakan buat kejutannya LDR buat asda.

uh ini apa?

and the last....
video boomerang saya niup lilin. tiup sampai mampus dah mah

Kamis, 12 Juli 2018

Am I an Adult?

"When I was at your age, i already have a 3 years old son."

That's what my mom said a few months ago. It's my birthday today, and I'm officially turning to 24. I feel old, but I don't feel that I'm an adult. I mean... as my last year post as I said age is just a number. I'm 24, it doesn't mean that I'm an adult tho... and I'm not ready for a marriage. I said to my mom that I want to get married in my 30s and as I had predicted, she can't understand my will. I do really want to get married, but with my condition right now? Srsly? Nope. I never get into any kind of serious relationship. I don't want to. Cause I'm not ready yet. When am I ready? idk.

I already tried to have a relationship. Failed. I didn't try it once. But still.. failed. Well, I'm not that kind of girl who like to check their bf's phone. I have no interest with their password on social media. I never block those girls who tried to getting close to my bf (ex). I've asked my friends who already did that kinda thing. Why? I just can't understand. They said I will do the same thing like them after I found 'The one'. And I still...can't understand. But I knw the main reason why I'm failed: I didn't want to meet their parents cause it means that we'll going to be more serious about our relationship. And i just.. can't.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid because they'll see me as: that kind of girl who have no experience to do some household stuff. They'll see me as a future wife who incapable to taking care of their son. And that's the truth.

I have no experience in doing a housework. I can't wash and iron my clothes. I can't cook. I can't do anything. My mom didn't allow me to that kind of stuff. And I'm gladly accept it. My mom will wake me up and i'll take a bath. My school uniform already ironed, breakfast's ready, watch television while waiting my ojek to picking me up. All is done.

Everything changed after I have to live in Samarinda... alone. I went out from my comfort zone when I have to live in a boarding house. I have zero knowledge! Really! Thank to all of my boarding house friends. I remember that time when I washed my clothes, they found that I was using a fabric conditioner instead of detergent. Ria, one of my housemate teached me how to wash my clothes by hand then. I learn lot of some new stuffs: I know how to cook rice, cook using a rice cooker (we dont cook rice, something else), we wash our dishes after eating, and many others. And it's fun!

I've learned.. and still learning. But until right now, I (still) don't feel like an adult. And I (still) have no idea about marriage.

Guess I'm not. Here's a childish me.