Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Why We Must Cheat?

I often see people who have cheated. From a stranger, an acquaintance, my friends, and also my parents did it. 

I have one friend who is beautiful, smart, friendly, talented, and she had a boyfriend. How lucky she is. But one day, I saw her with another guy who was more handsome than her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked me did she hang out with another guy and I said the truth. And finally they broke up. After that, she had another boyfriend. And she also cheated. Her boyfriend saw him in a café with another guy and he was very angry. But after that, she had another boyfriend. And it happens repeatedly.

I have another friend who also did the same thing. She had a great boyfriend. He had responsibility. They always go somewhere together, eat together, and did many kinds of thing together. One day, my friend met her ex-boyfriend and had lunch together. And finally, they often send a text each other. In the end, she left her boyfriend.

My mother also did it. My father have to go to Thailand for over 3 months because his work, and because of that my mother feels lonely. She had a friend on Facebook and had a chatting with him. And one day I saw my mother was calling her Facebook friend. After my father went home, my father realized that my mother was cheating with her friend on Facebook. And finally, they had verbal dispute. 

Most of infidelity happens because they grateful less to their situation with their partner or their relationship.  Anyone who does not have grateful to God, they will expect for get more things and even more. Because of that, they cannot stop to looking for another guy. 

Feeling bored also can cause an infidelity. People who cheat because they were bored, later they will cheat again with another guy because they were feeling bored with their old affair. Or they would regret and want to reconcile with her old partner. And they realized that their partner were better than their affair. The point is we must not cheat because it just spent our time and we might leave a great partner because we expect a perfect partner who has never been in a real life.

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Mrs. PHP

“Kamu itu memang PHP ya..”

Kalimat itu sudah biasa kudengar dari sahabat-sahabatku. Semenjak kejadian ‘itu’, entah kenapa sifatku berubah. Gak sedikitpun aku ingin punya pacar ketika itu, aku masih ingat saat itu aku masih SMK.  Ingat seoarang cowok yang bikin aku susah move on? Ya, dialah penyebabnya. Alasan kenapa aku jadi malas menjalin sebuah hubungan lagi adalah  karena dia.

Satu-satunya jalan buat bisa move on itu  adalah ada orang buat di move on in.  Saat itulah aku mulai ‘bertualang’. Cowok pertama yang dekat sama aku setelah itu, Mr. G, adalah cowok yang pemalu. Iya, bahkan di sekolahpun ketika kami berpapasan, dia akan menghindar. Perilakuannya sangat berbeda ketika kami sedang berhubungan via sms atau chat. Aku bisa jamin 100% kalau dia adalah cowok yang setia. Ya, walaupun kadang menurutku dia sangat cengeng, aku dulu menanggap seperti itu, dia menangis. Aku yang buat dia begitu. Ya karena hal-hal sepele menurutku. Tapi sekarang aku tau kalau dia sangat tulus mencintai aku. Hal yang bodoh adalah ketika aku menolaknya. Enggak menolak juga sebenarnya. Kami hanya lost kontak dan tiba-tiba sudah gak ada kabar dari dia.

Cowok kedua, ada murid dari kelas sebelah. Berkacamata, berkulit putih dan tingginya setara sama aku  yang jadi ciri khasnya. Entah darimana asalnya tiba-tiba kami jadi dekat. Hobi kami sama: main game online. Hal itu membuat aku sama dia jadi lebih dekat. Aku masih ingat ketika kami bermain Point Blank,  dia menembaki dinding dan bekas tembakan tersebut membuat deretan huruf : “F I T A”. Hal yang memisahhkan kami adalah alasan klasik sebenarnya: perbedaan keyakinan.

Cowok ketiga, kami kenal karena kami satu tempat les.Padahal kami satu sekolah tapi belum pernah ketemu sebelumnya. Wajahnya mengingatkanku sama pemain utama di film The Raid. Berawal dari bbm dan chattingan, kebiasaan itu berlanjut sampai menjadi rutinitas. Kami tau, kami saling suka. Tapi menjadi teman memang keputusan paling tepat. Kami masih berteman sampai sekarang,  dengan mengesampingkan rasa suka yang dulu pernah ada.

Cowok keempat, dulu dia adalah kakak tingkatku. Hal yang paling kusuka ketika dia tertawa. Entah dari segi suara dan wajahnya ketika tertawa, keduanya ngebuat aku makin suka. Dia yang rajin nelponin aku yang hampir tiap hari. Aku yang kalang kabut gara gara harus telponan secara sembunyi sembunyi karena takut ketahuan orang tuaku. Dia adalah cowok pertama yang kubawa nonton bareng di bioskop, Poconggg juga Pocong, entah dia suka filmnya atau enggak, yang pasti aku suka ngeliat dia ketawa. Dia adalah cowok yang pernah nembak aku via telpon, beralasan darurat karena aku dekat dengan cowok ke tiga. Dia juga cowok yang pertama kali kutolak. Tapi dia tetap cowok yang masih aku kagumi dan tetap menjadi kakak impianku .

Cowok kelima, adalah teman sekelasku dulu. Anehnya, kami dekat ketika kami sudah lulus dan melanjutkan kuliah di kota yang berbeda. Di kelas dulu, kami bahkan jarang berteguran karena memang kami gak terlalu dekat. Ketika kami bertemu di acara reuni kelas, disaat itulah teman-temanku membuat suatu siasat untuk menyatukan kami. Disaat itulah aku mulai merasa takut. Takut dia nembak aku. Dan disaat itu aku sadar, kami memang lebih baik berteman saja.

The sixth, dia kakak tingkat di kampusku. Kami saling kenal karena kami satu organisasi, satu kegiatan. Anaknya seru, suka becanda. Tapi di sisi lainnya tersimpan sifat-sifat yang gak terlihat dari luar. Dia pernah nembak aku, juju raja saat itu aku memang suka sama dia, tapi entah kenapa, aku masih gak mau punya pacar. Sampai akhirnya dia nyerah dan berpaling ke cewek lain. Syukurlah.
Dari keenam cowok ini, entah aku di PHP-in atau aku yg ngePHP-in orang, aku gak ada niatan buat PHPin.Itu semua gak ada niatnya. Entah kenapa saat itu aku konsisten gak ingin pacaran,tapi di sisi lain aku butuh teman berbagi cerita. Dan entah kenapa berawal dari pertemanan itu, mulai tumbuh rasa layaknya anak-anak remaja. Ya… jatuh cinta. Sayangnya aku memegang prinsip ”jomblo” dan prinisip ini mengalahkan perasaanku.

Dari keenam cowok ini, aku jadi ngerti bagaimana kita bisa mengorbankan apapun demi orang yang kita sayang. Mr G adalah cowok yang gak bakal aku lupain. Kami dekat- lalu renggang – aku dekat dengan cowok lain- renggang- tiba tiba aku dan dia dekat lagi,begitu terus sampai akhirnya untuk yang ke 3 kalinya, saat dia ingin ke Samarinda buat ketemu aku, dia malah kecelakaan. Dan aku sangat merasa bersalah. Sampai sekarang. Itu terakhir kami dekat, dan sampai sekarang dia gak ada kabar. Aku yakin dia sangat benci sama aku sekarang. Dan memang benar, penyesalan selalu datang belakangan. 

Suatu hari aku bertanya ke cowok yang bikin aku gak bisa move on, alasan kenapa dulu dia tiba tiba menjauh dan menghilang. Saat itulah aku memutuskan untuk move on. Iya, aku harus bergerak. Maju, bukan mundur. Dan aku yakin, aku pasti bisa.

Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

My journey to looking for a boarding house

It has been over a year since I was living in a boarding house. Suddenly, I remember when I went to Samarinda. I was looking for a boarding house because I would continue my study in Samarinda. When I have been accepted in Mulawarman University, My parents and I looked for a boarding house as soon as possible.

And the journey to search a boarding house has been begun.The first candidate of boarding house was placed at Jalan Pramuka which had been known as a place which we could find boarding house easily. The boarding house was blue. It was more like a rent house than a boarding house. Kitchen and bathroom were included in every room. My mother called the owner of that boarding house but it was full.

The second candidate of the boarding house was near with the first candidate. I was falling in love at the first sight to that boarding house. That boarding house has just been built. And it was only 2 people who had booked a room in that boarding house. The bathroom was included in every room. And the bathroom was awesome, clean and new. In that boarding house, we could find kitchen which separated with rooms. It seems like a public kitchen. Fixed! I want to live here.

Because I was curious with my new campus, I decided to search my campus with my parents. In my opinion, Mulawarman University was big. So it was hard to search my faculty. After I went to every place and asked some people the place of my campus, finally we arrived in a blue building. And that building was Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Wait a minute, why English Literature degree was in that faculty? I do not know, when I asked someone to confirm was that true that English Literature was here, and it was not here. And finally I knew that: English Literature is in Faculty of Cultutral Studies; The Faculty was new in Mulawarman University, The place of the faculty was separated with Mulawarman University, The distance between my second candidate of boarding house and my faculty was far.

Back to my journey of looking for a boarding house, finally I found a boarding house which was very close with my campus. Well, the boarding house really different with the second candidate of my boarding house. But I was happy because I could live near with my campus. And until now, I am still living in this boarding house.

Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Farewell to My Hand Phone

It seems that this day is a bad day for me. I have just lost my hand phone. I do not know how many times I have lost my hand phone. Maybe the hand phone was not comfortable with the owner and it decided to disappear. And it makes the owner realize that she would feel empty without the hand phone. And it was happened.

That incident has happened about 6.30 pm. I was in Mozart, a place where I work in. I went to a store beside Mozart Institute to buy some candies. When I bought those candies and paid to cashier, I put my hand phone on one of a topless which is on cashier. After that, I come back to Mozart happily. After my work has finished, I remembered to my hand phone. I checked in my bag, but it was not there. 
At that moment I remembered that I have bought candies in the store and I bought my hand phone. I ran to the store and I asked to the shop keeper is there any hand phone that left but he said that it is not. I was confusion, I got panic. I searched my hand phone in my bag again for the second time but it still not there. I have taken out everything in my bag and I still could not find my hand phone. My hand phone had been stolen.

I went home. And I feel sad. Meanwhile my friends are doing their homework for tomorrow, I mused over my situation. Sometime, we will understand how precious something is when we have lost that thing. Same like my hand phone. Sometime I let it fallen, put it everywhere and now I regret I did that. I have lost my hand phone more than once and it seems not making me being cured of a habit. I instead think about what type of hand phone that I would have next. But it still regret because my carelessness, I lost my hand phone and I have to spend my money to have the new one.