Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Bad Day

I am in a café in front of Gor Segiri which play a song from the winner of X-Factor, the title is “Memilih Setia”. The song is mellow and it is suitable with my situation right now. It was a back breaking day. Why in 26th I got a bad luck? Whereas at 26th is a special day for us. The day when he said that he wants me to be his girlfriend.  I got bad luck in this afternoon. It was heavy rain. As usual, I go to Mozart to teach. For information, I am studying and also work in a music school in Samarinda. Today I decided to not bring my violin because it was rain. Well, on my way to Mozart Institute, suddenly my motorcycle was stopped. The gasoline was used up. The tank was empty. I was lucky because my motorcycle stopped in a place that near Mozart Institute. I parked my motorcycle and I left it and walk. I walked and open my social network and said “My gasoline was used up, hahaha”. The fact was I was sad and I never laugh.

When I was walking, there is a man who offers me lodging. At the beginning I think he is a man who uses his motorcycle as a public transport (ojek), or maybe he was just offers without any serious purpose. After for many times he offers me lodging, and I accepted because he said he would not do anything bad to me. And the fact is he was truly wants to help me. Maybe he feels pity because saw me walking alone when it was rainy. After I arrived and teaching was done, I walked again. This time nobody offers me lodging. The street which I trough this afternoon was dark. There is no light in the street.

And here I am. The café is playing a song by Sammy, ex-personnel of Kerispatih. I do not know the title but the song is mellow. And I do not know I am sitting in this place. I am ordering orange juice and write my journal. I want to cry, but I hold it. When I was writing my journal, my friend call me and asked “are you alright?” She is really kind. If she was a man, I really want to be her girlfriend. And I really thankful because of her, I do not really feel sad.  After the call, I drink my juice which I was order. It is sour same as my day.

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Selamat Tinggal

Sepertinya hari ini hari yang sial buat aku.  Hpku baru aja hilang. Iya hilang. Entah untuk yang kesekian kalinya hpku hilang, mungkin hp itu sudah enggak betah sama pemiliknya dan memutuskan untuk menghilang, dan menyadarkan pemiliknya bahwa ia akan hampa tanpa dirinya. Hufft. HAHAHAHA.
Kejadian itu baru aja terjadi sekitar jam setengah 7, aku berada di Mozart, tempat aku ngajar. Aku pergi ke toko sebelah buat beli permen. Saat membeli permen dan membayar di kasir, aku letakkan hpku di atas salah satu toples yang ada di kasir.Setelah itu dengan hati riang gembira (mungkin karena efek permen) aku balik lagi ke mozart. Setelah aku selesai ngajar, aku jadi keingat hpku. Aku periksa di tas ku. GAK ADA! aku cari di ruang ngajarku, GAK ADA. Seketika itu aku teringat aku habis beli permen di toko sebelah dan bawa hp ke sana. Aku lari menuju toko itu, dan menanyakan ke kasir apakah ada hp yang ketinggalan, dan dia bilang gak ada. Oke. Aku galau, aku panik. Aku nyoba nyari di tas ku lagi... tetep gak ada. aku sampai ngeluarin semua isi tasku dan tetap gak ada. Akhirnya aku bilang ke pegawai mozart dan dia pergi ke toko itu lagi, menanyakan apakah ada hp yang tertinggal. Si penjaga kasir tetap menjawab sama. Gak ada, dia malah menunjukkan hp nokia yang entah merknya apa, dan bilang adanya hp ini. Oke kami balik karna sudah gak ada harapan lagi. Aku pulang ke kost. Aku galau. Aku shampoan.
Hal yang pertama yang aku lakukan ketika sampai di kost adalah: lari lari naik ke lantai atas sambil berteriak "TEMAAANN TEMAAAN HP AKU HILAAANGGGG!" dan reaksi mereka "ooh, terus?" "HAAHHH KOK BISA? KOK BISA??" dan mulailah kuceritakan kejadiannya. Terlihat dari wajah wajah mereka, wajah-wajah iba menatapku. Oke, akhirnya aku menelpon mamaku untuk mengabari kejadian hari ini. Dan reaksi pertama mamaku "ASTAGHFIRULLAH...KOK BISA? KAN SUDAH MAMA BILANG KALAU PUNYA HP ITU DIAJAGA. BLA BLA BLABLA LABLALA....." yaa.... aku diomelin habis habisan. Dan percakapan selanjutnya terjadi:
Mama: Kamu kira beli hp itu kayak beli permen? Gampang di beli gitu aja.
Aku   : Iya ma, kebetulan aku di toko itu juga beli permen..
Mama: ....
Aku   : ...aku beli 1000 dapat 6 ma..
Mama:Yasudah kamu cari dukun buat cari hp kamu (sambil tertawa kecil)
Aku   : ...
Mama: Kamu telpon papa kamu sekarang, mama gak mau tau urusannya.

Hening... Aku bingung... Aku harus nelpon papa atau nyari dukun. Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk nelpon papa. Tapi yang terdengari di telpon adalah suara orang lain dan aku yakin itu bukan papa:
Suara di sebrang: Halo..
Aku:                  : Halo, ini siapa?
Suara di sebrang: Ini abang, kenapa?
Aku:                  : Hp aku hilang bang..

Suara di sebrang: ASTAGA!.
Aku:                  : (udah? gitu doang responnya? ga seru ah!) Iya, papa mana?

Suara di sebrang: Papa kerja, hpnya ketinggalan
Aku:                  : oh yasudah, bilangin aja kalau aku tadi nelpon.

Suara di sebrang: Oke.

Oke.. habis itu aku nulis ini.. nulis di blog ini... lagi galau, sedangkan teman temanku lagi pada ngerjain tugas yang bakal dikumpul besok. Memang terkadang, kita akan mengerti seberapa pentingnya sesuatu hal itu ketika kita sudah kehilangan hal tersbut. Termasuk hpku. Terkadang aku biarkan dia terjatuh, tergeletak dimana mana dan sekarang aku nyesal pernah melakukan itu. Mungkin kehilangan hp sudah berkali kali kualami dan sepertinya belum meninggalkan efek jera buat aku. Aku malah memikirkan hp apa yang akan aku punya nantinya. Iya, terkadang kita gak boleh terus terusan galau dan harus bergerak maju memikirkan hal-hal di masa depan.
Dan hari ini, aku gak cuma kehilangan hpku, foto foto yang ada di dalamnya, lagu lagu favoritku, tapi juga dia. Bukan karena hp aku kehilangan dia. Iya itu memang keputusanku. Dan aku harus tetap melanjutkan hidup kedepan kan. yaapp...hari ini aku gak cuma kehilangan hp, aku juga kehilangan dia. Benar benar hari yang sial kan...

Selamat tinggal samsung galaxy note, selamat tinggal abu :)

Time is Precious

Busy. A word that can describe my situation and my boyfriend. Actually it was quite funny, when I decided to being alone without any relationship in my last three years; I had a lot of free time that I spent with many things which useless. When I decided to have relationship with him, I did not have time for him. I feel tired. I hate myself. I hate all of the activity which I have. I wish I had one free day so I could have a rest in my boarding house. But actually all of my activities are positive. And I am sure those activities would not make me regret in the future. And I gave priority to my activity than him.

He was busy as me. I have asked him why he decided to join traditional dance club. I expect that he was like me, join a club because I like it. The fact was he just wants to have another activity. It was funny. When I want to be free from all of my activities, he occupied himself with joining traditional dance. And because our activity, we almost never see each other. It was saddened, when he wants to see me but I was busy. It was saddened, when we just can say we miss each other. It was saddened, when I just can saw him from the distance.

I remember our first met in a book store in Samarinda. An unexpected meeting. Actually it was short in time. He said two or three sentences and then gone. I remember that our glances met and I know that I was falling to him. Our first met resembles FTV. The difference was in FTV, a play director made the scenario. But, God made the scenario for us.

I still remember when he asked me to be his girlfriend. When I said ‘yes”, and just like that, we had a relationship. We saw the china paper lanterns were flying. They fly, bring our hope.

I feel sorry because I did not have a lot of time for him. He has already made many sacrifices for me. And I will sacrifice my time for him. There is no love without sacrifice. Time is precious.

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

A Cat Lover

        I am a cat lover. I have started to take care of cat since I was in kindergarten. I often saw that cat in my house. I never know where that cat came from. So my family takes care of her and finally she became my pet. We called her pussy.  She was a cute cat with three different colors on her fur. She had yellow wide eyes with long whiskers. She grown up and became an adult. She had a lover and finally they had children. The kittens were cute and have a small body, round face and pink nose with eyes which still closed. They really look like their mom; they had spots with three different colors: white, black and yellow.
After years, pussy became old and finally she died. When she died, I really sad. My father buried her in our yard. She was my first cat that I take care and I would never forget her. After pussy died, I took care on of pussy’s child. She was really looks like her mom. The difference was she had a dominant color of black in her fur. She had children and died. And her child was taking cared by me. And the same thing was happened and happened again until the fifth generation of Pussy. I always do a same thing to my cat: I always called them pussy. Until the fifth cat, I also call her pussy. Maybe because I did not have another name that suitable to them.
Now, the fifth generation of my cat, Pussy is living with my family in Balikpapan. Because I must continue my study in Samarinda, so I left her and my family helps me to take care of her. Because I didn’t want to see Pussy feels lonely, I got an idea to look for another cat so Pussy would have friend. Someone on facebook said that she was looking for someone to adopt her cat. So I told her that I want to adopt that cat. So here she is, a Persian Himalayan is living with Pussy. Her real name was Morganisa, her previous owner gave that name to her. She had long and dense hair. Her fur is white with brown point on her ears, legs, tail and nose. Her feet are short and she is fat.
Actually I want to give her another nickname. My friends helped me to give names that they think it suitable for her. They suggested some anti mainstream name such as: painem, ijah, and another name that I think it was weird if a cat had a name like that. My other friend searched on Google to find a cute name for my cat such as: kitty, princess, and lily. And it wasted our time until we got a suitable nickname for her: Sunday. We call her Sunday because she was born on Sunday, June 16 2013. Another reason why we gave that name is because she reminds me to Sundae, Ice Cream which we can find on some fast food restaurants such as KFC and McD. That ice cream had the same color with Sunday, White and there’s a chocolate on top. Although her real name is Morganisa, we agree to call her Sunday.
Right now, Pussy and Sunday are living in Balikpapan with my parents. Although I usually saw them fight each other, but they look cute if they’re sleeping together.